Fuel Tank Security Tips

Fuel Tank Security Tips

The risk of fuel products being stolen is always present, however, the recent increase in the cost of heating oil and other fuels has made it significantly more likely. Even though oil thefts from tanks aren’t common, they do happen. It is essential to keep your tank safe and reduce the risk of oil theft […]

How to Stay Warm This Christmas

How to Stay Warm This Christmas

Keeping warm in winter can sometimes feel difficult, especially when you are trying to cut down on energy costs. But ensuring you stay at a comfortable temperature throughout the colder months should always be a priority.  In this article we explain the best ways to make sure your boiler and heating oil tank are ready […]

Benefits of Fuel Delivery For Your Home or Business

Benefits of Fuel Delivery For Your Home or Business

North Wales is full of rural areas where it can be hard to source high-quality fuel on time, especially for homeowners and business owners. Fuel is essential when you live off the beaten path in order to keep yourself and your business warm. Here are some of the reasons why a fuel delivery is an […]

How To Get The Most Out of Your Heating Oil This Winter

How To Get The Most Out of Your Heating Oil This Winter

The rising cost of energy is a real concern for many households. Particularly as the colder months approach, we naturally rely more on heating oil to keep our homes warm. Therefore, you should make sure that you get the most out of your heating oil and make it last longer. Here are some useful tips […]

Important Information from UKIFDA

Important Information from UKIFDA

UKIFDA, the trade body for the liquid fuel distribution industry, has been advised that the government has confirmed that the £100 fixed payment to heating oil users will be made via electricity companies. Through multiple discussions with the government, it became clear that because of the highly competitive nature of the heating oil market, with […]

UKIFDA gives advice on Government support

UKIFDA gives advice on Government support

Following a meeting with the Government, UKIFDA, the trade body for the liquid fuel distribution industry released their advice for consumers waiting on further details on how to get hold of the £100 support for heating oil households announced by the UK Government. Their release contains the following advice: Given the highly competitive nature of […]