Lambing time for all, even our driver Steve is busy delivering lambs as well as your fuel supplies!
Steve Harper and his wife Denise are rushed off their feet at this time of year ensuring the new lambs are born safely and healthy. Spring is a significant time in the farming calendar, as farmers all over the country just like Steve get ready to care for their new bouncing arrivals.
As well as their lambs from the Balwen Welsh Mountain Sheep breed with their distinctive colour pattern of a black body with white extremities originated from the Tywi Valley in Wales, they have a plethora of other animals namely horses, cows, pigs, chickens and lastly a donkey called William.
All can be seen in these feature photos on location at Thorncliffe Farm. I don’t know how Steve has the time in the day sometimes, but he loves his busy lifestyle and the great outdoors; meeting our customers during the day. Hopefully, you will meet him on his rounds soon.